Photo by Hannah Mathews (2022)

Marisca Pichette works in speculative and literary fiction, poetry, and essay. Her writing has been nominated for the Bram Stoker, Pushcart, Best of the Net, Rhysling, Utopia, and Dwarf Stars awards. Straying from fairy tale to horror to the in-between, her work investigates queerness and marginalized identity--often involving monsters. She is represented by Amy Collins.
Marisca's Bram Stoker and Elgin Award-nominated poetry collection, Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair, was published April 4, 2023 by Android Press. Their debut novella, Every Dark Cloud, is forthcoming March 25, 2025, from Ghost Orchid Press.
Marisca has presented critical work at the International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts and the Once and Future Fantasies Conference. She has given readings and sat on creative panels at the Nebula Conference, World Fantasy Convention, Can*Con, Boskone, Arisia, Readercon, and the International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts. In 2023, she mentored with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. In 2024, she led workshops with Elegant Literature.
Neon Hemlock Live, September 18, 2024.
Strong Women, Strange Worlds reading from Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair on February 15, 2024.
Under Her Eye: "Night's Mare" by Marisca Pichette.
Greenfield Recorder: "Birthday luncheon remembers Mary Lyon as 'a woman ahead of her time.'"
Space Cowboy Books Flash Science Fiction Night: Marisca Pichette, Eric Fomley, and Jenna Hanchey.
Reading from Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair on Verses from the Void.
"I was raised in anger" on the Pioneer Valley Poetry Podcast (2022)
Excerpt from "The Sheet," on the Wrongdoing Magazine blog (2022)
Channel Issue 4 Launch (2021)
Channel Issue 3 Launch (2020)
Ellen Datlow's Recommendations for Best Horror of the Year, Volume 16.​
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair nominated for the 2023 Elgin Award: Full-Length Book.
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair nominated for the 2023 Bram Stoker Award: Superior Achievement in Poetry.
"A Prayer for the Surviving" nominated for the Rhysling Award (Haven Spec, 2023)
Annotated 2023 Locus Reading List for Short Fiction (Rocket Stack Rank).
"Gel Pen Notes from Generation Ship Y" finalist in the short story category of the Clarkesworld Magazine 2023 Reader's Poll.
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair on the preliminary ballot for the 2023 Bram Stoker Award: Superior Achievement in Poetry
"From Wendy to the Lost Boys" nominated for the Rhysling Award (Prismatica Magazine, 2023)
"Troop No. 80085" nominated for the Rhysling Award (The Deadlands, 2023)
"The Goth Girls' Gun Gang" nominated for the Rhysling Award (The Dread Machine, 2023)
"Planetesimal" on the Nebula Reading List (Small Wonders, 2023)
"Hyphal knot" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry (Eye to the Telescope, 2023)
"in grandmother's homemade house" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry (Moss Puppy Magazine, 2023)
"Wingless, Weeping / Featherless, Floating" on the Nebula Reading List (Strange Horizons, 2023)
"The Art of Betraying Others for Food" nominated for the Best of the Net (Coffin Bell, 2022)
"She Dreams of Moons and Moons" nominated for the 2023 Utopia Award (Strange Horizons, 2022)
"golem" nominated for the 2023 Dwarf Stars Award (Star*Line, 2022)
"Between Oak and Acorn, a Sunset Waits" nominated for the WSFA Small Press Award (DreamForge Magazine, 2022)
Ellen Datlow's Recommendations for Best Horror #14 - Long List
"Killing whale" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry (Ligeia Magazine, 2022)
"domestic flight" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry and the Best of the Net (Nocturne Magazine, 2022)
"Coronation" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry (Star*Line, 2022)
"Oddkin" nominated for the Pushcart Prize in poetry (Seaside Gothic, 2022)
Maria Haskins' Recommended Reading List for 2021